Resultados: 3

Narratives of young people on same-sex relationships about their path and implications for mental health

ABSTRACT Objective: To know the life path of young people in same-sex relationship from the discovery of their sexual orientation and the confrontation of problems arising from it, contextualizing situations that affect their mental health and reflect on the role of nursing in care, within the scope of ...

Domestic violence: repercussions for women and children

Objectives: To know the meanings attributed by women regarding the repercussions of the experience of domestic violence. Method: Qualitative study, based on the Grounded Theory method. Data were collected in two sticks of domestic and family violence against the Brazilian Northeast woman. An interview w...

Narrativa de filha de usuária de drogas: repercussões no cotidiano familiar

Objective: To understand the repercussions of coexisting with the drug use in a family based on the daughter's narrative of a woman who is a multiple drugs user. Method: A case study with a family accessed in 2014, through the records of a Poison Control Center in the North of Paraná. It was used a sem...